The 2018 International Flat Earth Convention in Denver, Colorado is one of the most well-known flat Earth conferences in which hundreds of flat-Earthers came together to discuss and share their flat Earth theories with like-minded people. At conferences like this, flat-Earth merch is sold, lectures are held, and people exchange their unique variations and perspectives on the theory of flat Earth. One of these flat-Earthers, George Hobbs, has a podcast series dedicated to this uniplanar concept. This podcast explains how the Earth is shaped similar to a pancake, with a firmament, or a glass dome, encasing the skies, and Antarctica acting as an ice wall to contain the oceans. While Hobbs describes the Earth as flat and stationary, upon further analysis of this podcast, it can be concluded with evidence that our Earth is much more spherical and kinetic than the theories of Hobbs and other flat-Earthers postulate.
The Earth is a roughly spherical, spinning body, which orbits around the sun
From the start of the podcast, the speaker, Hobbs, asserts that the Earth is, in fact, not round or spinning, but flat and unmoving. Hobbs uses evidence throughout the podcast to support this claim, and towards the end of the podcast, Hobbs summarizes his claims about the shape of the Earth: “It’s flat, it’s fixed, and it’s stationary” (34:23). Hobbs argues that the Earth is a flat and unmoving shape based partially on immediate perception, and he further clarifies his thesis using the bible. Hobbs articulates, “The Bible states, you know, God made Earth, and made everything around it. We have a sky-clock when we look up. Everything rotates around us” (4:21). He goes on to explain that the bible states that the Earth is covered by a “firmament,” or a glass dome, with “water above [and] water below” (16:03). Hobbs uses specific evidence to support his claims, referencing, about halfway through the podcast, a series of operations which were executed during the 20th century to back up his claim, specifically Operation Dominic. Hobbs describes this operation as “missiles and rockets [being] sent up to try to blast a hole through the quote-unquote Van Allen Belts” (22:48). Hobbs argues that the Van Allen Belts are actually the firmament, altogether creating a visualization of a disc-shaped Earth surrounded by ice walls and a glass dome, around which the sun and other stars or planets orbit. A few minutes later, he further corroborates his claims on the shape of the Earth by stating that “we can see too far, now that we have the technology like the P900, P1000 cameras.” (28:48). These new Nikon cameras are quite powerful, and can see impressively long distances, perhaps long enough to potentially disprove Earth’s curvature. All of this evidence points towards a flat or dome-shaped form of Earth, but a closer look at this evidence reveals factual inaccuracies within, which suggest that the heliocentric model may have more truth than Hobbs claims.
Hobbs attempts to prove the flat Earth model using a variety of evidence, but much of it is unreliable and erroneous, which indicates that his central conjecture of flat Earth may be of similar credibility. One of Hobbs’s supporting claims surrounds the idea of new cameras being able to see further than the Earth’s curvature should allow. Although recent technology, such as the Nikon P900 and P1000 cameras mentioned in the video, can see quite far, Dr. Jason Steffen, astrophysicist and assistant professor of physics at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, explains this ‘evidence’ in a 2024 article from Lead Stories: “In order to see the curvature, you would need to observe a distance that is a reasonable fraction of the radius of the Earth […] there aren’t many places on the Earth where the ground is sufficiently level for such a distance.” Elevation can impact the horizon distance, causing cameras to be able to see further than they could on level ground. Furthermore, NASA explains that Van Allen Belts are a phenomenon where the Earth’s magnetic field “traps high energy radiation particles [which] form two belts of radiation […] that surround the Earth like enormous donuts.” When examined under a critical lens, these belts bear little resemblance to the concept of a firmament surrounding Earth. Overall, a vast majority of scientists agree that the Earth is round, not flat. This concept of the heliocentric model has been around for millenia.
According to a 2022 article from the Encyclopedia Britannica by writer and editor Karen Sottosanti, the Earth is spherical in shape, or, more specifically, an “oblate spheroid.” The Earth rotates on its axis, while orbiting around the sun. This principle has been proven for over two thousand years, since ancient Greek philosophers discovered the shape of the Earth, and later measured its circumference. An article from the American Physics Society, written by Ernie Tretkoff, researcher and author, reports, “[T]he first to propose a spherical Earth based on actual physical evidence was Aristotle (384-322 B.C.).” Tretkoff describes Aristotle’s evidence, which included physical, observable proof of a spherical earth: “[S]hips disappear hull-first when they sail over the horizon, Earth casts a round shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse, and different constellations are visible at different latitudes.” All of these observable phenomena prove the validity of the heliocentric model of the Earth, and thanks to modern satellite technology, there is a much wider plethora of proof which proves the heliocentric model. With all of this proof, it can be concluded with a high degree of certainty that Earth is not flat or dome-shaped, but nearly spherical in shape.
Gravity is a type of force separate from other physical phenomena, such as density or buoyancy
During the first half of the podcast, Hobbs lays out the details of his specific views of flat Earth, explaining that he believes that the Earth is still, unlike some other flat-Earthers, who believe the Earth moves upwards to create gravity. Further examining the subject of gravity, Hobbs claims, “Gravity is density or buoyancy. That’s simply all it is” (15:47). Later on in the episode, Hobbs reaffirms this statement, stating that “there is no such thing as magic gravity” (32:22). Hobbs views gravity as an unbelievable, made-up explanation to fit the ‘narrative’ of the heliocentric model, and he isn’t alone in his rationalizations. The website of The Flat Earth Society explains the organization’s viewpoint on gravity: “Gravity as a theory is false. Objects simply fall.” In the context of a flat Earth, it could be somewhat reasonable to say that the classification gravity as a separate force is not needed to justify the accelerated falling of objects towards Earth. However, looking through a scientific lens, objects do not move unless acted upon by an external force, by Newton’s Law of Inertia, so in order for an object to fall, an outside force is needed, and that force, by definition, is gravity. Centuries of science and mathematics have proven that gravity is a very real force, although it is more complex than it initially seems.
A 2020 article published by The Space Center Houston explains how the theory of gravity came to be, starting with Newton’s discoveries. After observing the falling of an apple, Newton realized that there must have been some force which made the apple fall down, rather than shoot up or stay in the air. Newton called this force gravity, and hypothesized it to be “a force [which] must also work on all objects with mass including us, the Moon and the Earth.” Later on, this theory of gravity was proven by Einstein using mathematical equations. An article from Center for Astrophysics, written by Astrophysicist Shep Doeleman, explains, “Our modern understanding of gravity comes from Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which stands as one of the best-tested theories in science.” Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts that the force of gravity is created by “concentrations of mass and energy curv[ing] the structure of spacetime.” Einstein’s theory of general relativity is still the generally agreed-upon scientific consensus, but our understanding of the physics of gravity continues to develop as science becomes more advanced. A 2021 BBC Science Focus article by Brian Clegg, science author, considers the limitations of our current knowledge of gravity: “General Relativity is extremely effective […], but there are a few circumstances […] where the theory breaks down.” Clegg describes how quantum physics, the physics of the extremely small, is currently incompatible with General Relativity, the theory of gravity at large scales, suggesting that a more complex theory of gravity which links these two theories together may exist. Scientists’ understanding of gravity is continuously evolving, but it is undoubtedly agreed upon across the majority of the science community that gravity is an existent and tangible force, which is the reason that people on Earth, unlike in outer space, stay firmly planted on the ground.
Antarctica is a roughly pear-shaped continent, mostly covered in ice and snow
As Hobbs specifies the details of the flat Earth’s structure, he turns to the edges of his flat Earth model. Hobbs investigates the poles of our Earth, proclaiming that “[Antarctica] acts as an ice wall, [which] contains the lake of the Earth in” (15:24). Hobbs describes how Antarctica surrounds Earth, which isn’t an uncommon view among flat-Earth theorists. The Flat Earth Society reveals a similar concept, using a map to detail Antarctica as an ice wall, with the North Pole in the center. Later in the podcast, Hobbs comes back to this topic more in depth, using specific details to support his views on Antarctica. Hobbs connects Captain Cook’s Antarctic voyages to his representation of Antarctica, stating, “Captain Cook [sailed] 60,000 miles around the outer ice wall, the Antarctic coastline, looking for an inlet through the massive glacier wall” (20:45). Another major event which Hobbs uses to certify his views on Antarctica is the expeditions of aviator and Admiral Richard E. Byrd to this seemingly mysterious place. Hobbs describes Byrd’s expeditions, interpreting that “[Byrd] was making flights over the ice wall, into Antarctica, [making] many discoveries” (21:04). These discoveries which Hobbs spoke of included “a new continent which no human has set foot on” (21:22), which, Hobbs adds, Byrd mentioned on television during the 1950s.
Hobbs’s surplus of evidence seems to strongly support his claim about Antarctica, but upon closer examination, Hobbs’s evidence has some notable discrepancies which create issues with the validity of his proof, which leads to suspicions in his main claim about Antarctica. Admiral Byrd’s expeditions, when described by Hobbs, seems to create conflict with the standard heliocentric model accepted by most scientists today. However, the expeditions themself didn’t fully line up with Hobbs’s interpretations. According to the Naval History and Heritage Command, “On 28 November 1929, [Byrd] made a day’s flight to and from the South Pole.” Byrd flew either over or nearly over the South Pole, although the specific coordinates of his flight are still disputed, but the claims about Byrd flying over an ‘icewall’ are not backed by any concrete evidence. Byrd also kept a diary, which contained his findings during his expeditions to Antarctica, which included ties to Hobbs’s claims about a new continent. However, Boyce Rensberger, scientific writer and editor, provides further explanation for Byrd’s supposed flights to a new ‘continent’ in a Washington Post article: “Byrd used the first part to make notes during a 1925 expedition to Greenland but used other pages for the 1926 polar venture and a 1927 crossing of the Atlantic.” This other continent which Byrd allegedly discovered was most likely a misunderstanding of Byrd’s journal, or Byrd’s misremembering of his expeditions, especially in his last years during the 1950s. Captain Cook’s voyages to Antarctica, when framed through Hobbs’s lens, also seem to prove the theory of an ice wall around Antarctica. Harry Stern, mathematician and scientist who studies Arctic sea ice, confirms Hobbs’s claim that Captain Cook encountered an ‘ice wall’, too, in an article published by Antarctic research center, ARCUS. Stern details, “Cook sailed through the Bering Strait on Aug. 11, 1778, but his progress was abruptly halted […] by ice,” which, as Stern quotes, Cook recounted in his journal, was “as compact as a wall and seemed to be ten or twelve feet high at least.” However, Stern goes on to explain that this ‘ice wall’ is actually the “summer sea-ice edge in the Chukchi Sea,” which differs greatly from Hobbs’s ice wall, which wraps around the Earth to contain Earth’s oceans. The ice wall which Hobbs speaks of is highly unlikely, given the vast amount of evidence which says otherwise.
Among the scientific community, there is a widespread consensus that Antarctica is a continent, not an ice wall. A 2022 USA Today article written by journalist Eleanor McCray observes, “Satellite data shows that [Antarctica] does not extend around the entire Earth.” In today’s age, satellites are capable of taking photos of the Earth, and these images already disprove the speculations of Antarctica being an ice wall. Along with this, McCrary concludes, “An ice wall would not be sustainable, Antarctic scientists said.” A more accurate portrayal of Antarctica, as a continent, is assessed by a 2024 National Geographic article. The article confirms, “The continent of Antarctica makes up most of the Antarctic region […], a cold, remote area in the Southern Hemisphere.” Antarctica is roughly pear-shaped, which breaks down into two regions: Lesser Antarctica and Greater Antarctica. Overall, the massive continent takes up almost twenty percent of the Southern Hemisphere, and has its own ecosystems, with different lichens and mosses, as well as a variety of marine life. However, Antarctica is almost certainly not an ice wall, but an ice-covered continent.
Antarctica is a demilitarized zone, but it is still accessible to visitors
During the podcast, Antarctica is one of the most prevalent topics, which Hobbs references continually. Hobbs claims that Antarctica is an ice wall, as mentioned in the previous section, but he also makes claims about Antarctica’s inaccessibility, explaining it as the result of an attempt to keep the theory of Flat Earth ‘concealed’. While describing Antarctica, Hobbs states, “Antarctica is a no-go zone, there’s a treaty between however many countries, you just can’t get down there” (21:54). Hobbs references a treaty – most likely the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, which he believes blocks off the Antarctic region, preventing travelers from making it to the supposed continent. While describing this mysterious region, Hobbs specifies, “No private boat is allowed to go beyond the 60th parallel” (23:52). Hobbs explains that the reason for these restrictions on Antarctica is because “the evil people who run this earth” (23:38) don’t want people to find out about flat Earth. However, further observation of these claims reveals that Antarctica may not be as highly-guarded as Hobbs portrays it to be.
While the treaty of Antarctica certainly exists, in reality, its purpose actually has little impact on private boating or peaceful exploration of the area. A 2024 Britannica Article details the actual purpose of the 1959 Atlantic Treaty: “[The treaty] forbids all contracting parties from establishing military bases, carrying on military maneuvers.” The treaty’s purpose was to ensure that Antarctica would remain a peaceful zone free of militarization occupation by other countries. It also banned the use of dangerous weapons, as Wallenfeldt describes: “[The treaty bans] testing any weapons (including nuclear weapons), or disposing of radioactive wastes in the area.” The treaty was later edited to include laws preventing extraction of natural resources to protect the Antarctic ecosystem. However, it did still encourage scientific research, and did not mention any prohibition of peaceful voyages to the Antarctic continent. The Atlantic Treaty itself, in the introduction to its section dedicated to yachting, states, “A typical season may well see 20 to 30 yachts visiting the Antarctic Peninsula.” As long as boats have the required permits, and no dangerous weapons on board, there are no rules which state that Antarctica is off-limits. Nevertheless, voyaging to Antarctica is still very difficult, which may explain why Hobbs drew conclusions that Antarctica was an off-limits zone. However, upon careful analysis of the laws concerning the Antarctic region’s borders, it is revealed that Antarctica is not a ‘no-go’ zone, just a demilitarized one.
The moon landing was a real event, not a hoax
Along with focusing on flat Earth, the podcast also covers space exploration – specifically, the moon landing, an event which Hobbs believes was faked. Hobbs declares that “the moon landing was a complete hoax” (10:50). Hobbs argues that the landing was faked, tying it to his central theme of Flat Earth by examining its historical significance. Hobbs observes, “[W]hat is man’s greatest accomplishment of all time? The moon landing. So if that is a lie, then everything else must be a lie” (29:10). This is a key moment to note within Hobbs’s argument, as it connects the questionable moon landing to his central idea about flat Earth. However, Hobbs makes an overgeneralizing statement when relating the moon landing to the concept of flat Earth, overweighting a single event to make a broader statement, reducing the credibility of this statement. Moments later, Hobbs cites an incident between Bart Sibrel and astronauts from the first moon landing, to solidify his claim about the moon. He reports, “[Sibrel would] hold a bible out and say, ‘Would you swear that you landed on the moon?’ and none of the astronauts that supposedly landed on the moon would swear on the bible.” (29:35). This recount seems to validate suspicions of the famous moon landing, but it fails to cover the important context of this interview, which shakes the integrity of the whole incident, which, in turn, shakes the integrity of Hobbs’s claims about the moon landing itself.
While supporting his claim surrounding the moon landing, Hobbs makes note of evidence which, when thoroughly scrutinized, lacks a high amount of credibility, leading to doubts in his central claims. In Sibrel’s supposed ‘study’, when the astronauts did not ‘swear’ on the bible, it was most likely because of their anger and disbelief towards Sibrel. Although Hobbs claims that Sibrel merely held out a bible and asked astronauts to confirm the moon landing, Olivia McKelvey, reporter for Florida Today, describes the episode quite a bit differently. McKelvey refers to Sibrel as a “conspiracy theorist,” and while covering Sibrel’s questioning of the astronauts on the moon landing, and its results, she notes, “Bart Sibrel, a 55-year-old Tennessee resident [was] punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin in 2002 after Sibrel confronted Aldrin in person, calling him a liar, coward and thief.” This report brings clarity to what really happened during the episode between Sibrel and former astronauts of the moon landing, revealing that the astronauts may not have seemed to ‘swear’ the moon landing on the bible because of the manner that the questions were posed in, and the person who was asking them. Evidently, Sibrel’s questioning is not the most reliable evidence to support the alleged falsification of the moon landing. The moon landing itself is an event which happened over half a century ago, yet continues to be debated by some, with deniers like Hobbs and Sibrel insisting that it was completely falsified. Still, there is an immense amount of strong evidence which certifies that this milestone was legitimate.
The 1969 moon landing was a tremendously significant landmark in the history of space travel, confirmed by a multitude of evidence. An article by Marcia Dunn, journalist for AP News, confirms, “NASA cliche[d] the space race with the Soviets in 1969 with a moon landing by Apollo 11’s Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.” In the context of United States history, the moon landing was a major event, too, given the historical situation of the Cold War and the USSR victory for the first man in space. Despite the tension at the time, the moon landing can be certified through reports from countries across the globe, even those who may have been in competition for it. Richard Godwin, writer and novelist, describes in an article from The Guardian, the global consensus on the moon landing, stressing that the landing was given “corroboration from Russia, Japan and China.” At this point in time, Russia was enemies with the United States, engaged in the Cold War, so the fact that even Russia agreed that the moon landing was real provides extensive validation to the landings. Godwin also presents the sheer amount of evidence there is for the moon landing: “382kg of moon rock collected across six missions […] and images from the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter showing the tracks made by the astronauts in the moondust.” These footprint trails show up as thin lines which can be seen from lunar orbit, providing further evidence that the moon landing was very real. With all of this evidence for the moon landing, it is exceedingly improbable that all of this was falsified, leading to the conclusion that the moon landing was, in fact, genuine.
The flat-Earth theory is a complex theory which spans from the physics of gravity to space exploration to the frigid terrain of the Antarctic. Although this theory has been proven to be extremely improbable, it has stayed alive for millenia, and may very well keep going for centuries more. As technology and science progresses, along with it may come new flat-Earth discoveries, but for now, the theory of flat Earth stands strong within its community, which will soon regather at the next international flat Earth conference. As Hobbs puts it, flat Earth is all about “find[ing] the truth” (18:31). Possibly someday the truth of the matter will finally make this conspiracy fall flat.
Featured image by the European Space Agency
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