Barney and Betty Hill were abducted by aliens. Mr. Hill and his wife were tracked down a secluded highway by a mysterious light one fateful evening in the New Hampshire mountains. As the light drew closer, a 2023 CNN article says, Mr. Hill recounted saying, “God, what is it? … God, I’m scared!” According to the couple, the light tracking them turned out to be extraterrestrial beings, who performed a number of medical operations and examinations on the couple, then later returned them. Despite criticisms of their elusive story, the couple stuck by their account until they later died. Their tale of abduction has now been the basis for almost all alien encounters ever since it happened in 1961. This fascination with aliens is not limited to just abduction stories. Many individuals have suggested alien involvement concerning the construction of many pyramids, most notably, the Pyramid of Giza. One video from the Ancient Aliens History Channel series theorizes how aliens were involved in the creation of not only the pyramid of Giza, but of pyramids all across the world. The Scientific American article talks abouts this series: “According to the popular series Ancient Aliens, on H2 (a spinoff of the History channel), extraterrestrial intelligences visited Earth in the distant past, as evidenced by numerous archaeological artifacts whose scientific explanations prove unsatisfactory for alien enthusiasts” In the video, they talk about alien involvement with the formation of the pyramids. They claim aliens helped build the pyramids in some sort of way. This is a false claim and is a problematic deep-rooted racial bias with regards to not only the Egyptian race.
1. Aliens have not visited Egypt.
Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. The thought of this is alluring and thought-provoking: “What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, might there be an extraterrestrial connection behind the secrets of the pyramids?” (0:51) The people in this video claim that many others on the earth believe that there have been visits from extraterrestrial beings sometime during the past years. They imply that when the extraterrestrial beings, or aliens, have visited, they helped to make these monumental pyramids or shape our history in some way. They also go as far as to claim that there is a secret behind the pyramid’s creation and unknown purposes for this supposed extraordinary intelligence. Many people do not believe that humans could have made or built the pyramids, so therefore it must have been extraterrestrial creatures. This view boils down to this according to the 2023 HistoryExtra article: “the pyramids were not the result of decades-long construction projects involving tens of thousands of people, gigantic logistical and administrative efforts, near-inexhaustible supplies of stone, and master architects and engineers. Instead, they were built by aliens, or at least aliens showed humans how to build them.” However, there has been no proof that aliens have visited Earth anytime in the past. There has been no evidence left on earth confirming their potential visitation. They might exist, but it is not likely within our solar system, which many scientists have proven.
People root this claim on the fact that pyramids, especially ones of large size, could not have been made with the technology of the past. For example, a quote from BBC’s 2018 article says, “Many wonder how the ancient Egyptians would have been able to build such huge structures using 4,000-year-old technology.” There have been multiple theories suggesting that Egyptians used ramps to help carry the stone chunks and build up the pyramids. According to 2023 HistoryExtra article, the Egyptians who were said to have, “fairly basic but effective tools, and the workers were able to cut blocks of stone, transport them to the construction site and gradually erect the pyramid.” It is hard for most to understand every process that they used to make the pyramids. There could have been techniques historians do not know about. There is not a lot of evidence, but some people suggest the use of ramps helped to make the pyramids. The 2023 HistoryExtra article explains this, “There are parts of the technology we can’t see today – for example, the ramps – but basically, it was the sheer amount of person power that made it all possible.” It does not seem possible to many, but logistically, the number of people working together and the numerous techniques that could have been used to form the pyramids made it possible.
2. Extraterrestrials did not make the Egyptian pyramids.
As the video goes on, the speakers continue to make claims. Another claim that the video makes is, “You have to think that whoever is guiding such a precise network of pyramids must have been a very advanced culture, probably extraterrestrials” (0:39-0:50). Many people believe it is an enormous feat, especially in that day in age, to create such a big monument or structure. Within the video, they claim pyramids have a precise network and are connected, so they must have been made by someone or something with an advanced culture, meaning Egyptians were not the ones who built the pyramids. They do not think it is possible for Egyptians to have such an accurate method or skill to build up the huge pyramids. This is truly just a racist claim. The 2023 HistoryExtra article claims, “There is a compelling argument that the belief in ancient aliens visiting Earth and imparting their superior knowledge stemmed, initially at least, from a deep-rooted racism and prejudice against people from the past, a reluctance or refusal to believe that an ancient civilisation from somewhere else in the world – like Africa or, in the case of the Mesoamerican pyramids, Central America – could actually construct such impressive monuments. Any explanation, even aliens, would be preferable or more believable.” This means that people would rather believe that aliens constructed the pyramids instead of the Egyptians or any other culture that has made pyramids. People would rather give credit to an unconfirmed species than many influential cultures and races of the past.
This is not a credible assumption, because it is deeply rooted in racism. The assumption that the Egyptian race could never have the skills to build the pyramids is extremely discriminatory. People do not question European monuments, despite the size or the time period in which they were built. For example, Sarah Kurnick’s TED Talk says, “What you rarely hear is pseudo archaeologists claiming that, say, Romans had help building the Colosseum or that Greeks had help building the Parthenon. Why is that? For pseudo archaeologists Europeans could have accomplished their feats on their own, but non-Europeans must have had outside guidance. Claims like these are not just outrageous. They are offensive.” These examples just further show the racist claim that aliens helped build the pyramids. People belittle other races even though people have proven Egyptians and other races were very capable of creating these pyramids.
3. The same group of people are not building the pyramids and the group didn’t teach anyone to build the pyramids.
Another claim is, “So it really does seem like the same group of people or beings building these pyramids” (5:14). The pyramid of Giza is not the only pyramid in the world. There are thousands spreading across all of the continents. In the video, they make the claim that all of the pyramids must be created by the same group of people. At this time, it would have been extremely difficult to extend the ideas of pyramids and their structure around the world. The video’s explanation for this is extraterrestrials.
The diagram of connections between pyramids across the world.
This claim again is racist, not just towards Egyptians, but to those cultures who also built other pyramids. The 2019 Reed College article demonstrates by saying, “You see [pseudoarchaeology] principally applied to places that are exoticized, like Peru, Native American civilizations, Meso-America, Egypt, India,” he said. “Civilizations that are perceived on the one hand as very advanced by modern observers,” but on the other hand viewed as so primitive as to cast doubt on their having accomplished anything on their own.” These claims don’t just hurt the people they belittle. It causes stigmas and misinformation on many different levels. Kurnick’s TED Talk says it,“undoubtedly harms its subjects, often Indigenous people, like the Maya, but it also harms its viewers. It harms all of us. Like other forms of racism, it exacerbates inequality and prevents us from appreciating and benefiting from human diversity.” The claims made in the video take away from Egyptians the accomplishments of completing such an amazing monument and the successes they had, as it does many other cultures. They cannot rejoice in their success, rather they have it taken away from them.
Another question raised is,“How is it possible that civilizations spread out over five continents all built similar pyramidal structures?” (3:42), and, “A possible explanation for all of this is that all of these cultures learned how to build these pyramids from the same teachers” (4:43), was another claim within the video. The claim in this section is that many different pyramids resemble each other so a possible explanation for all of this is that all of these cultures learned how to build these pyramids from the same teachers, with these teachers being extra terrestrials.
The pyramid itself has a very basic structure, but can be very different. A History Skills article asserts that, “While the quintessential image of a pyramid might be the smooth-faced, true pyramids of Egypt, this category of structure is in fact quite diverse. Some pyramids, like those of ancient Mesopotamia or Mesoamerica, are stepped, with a series of terraces ascending to the summit. Others, like the Nubian pyramids, have a far steeper incline and smaller base than their Egyptian counterparts.” Many pyramids all over the world have a lot of differences in features, materials, and shape, pointing out their differences and unlikeliness of connection. However, the History Skills article also states, “Regardless of these variations, the common thread running through all pyramid structures is the geometric form that gives them their name, with a broad base narrowing to a peak.” We use the term pyramids for all of these configurations. History Skills also states that all of the cultures had their own individual ideas concerning pyramids: “It’s important to note that while we use the term “pyramid” broadly to encompass all these structures, the cultures that created them often had their own unique names and conceptions for these buildings.” All of these cultures used pyramids for different purposes and they had differences in ideas. Finally, History Skills says, “Beyond their physical form, pyramids across different cultures and times also share certain functional and symbolic characteristics. They were typically built as monumental edifices, often serving as tombs for rulers, temples for gods, or centers of ritual and ceremony.” We can use the fact that the pyramids have differences in framework and purpose to show that beyond the shape, the pyramids all were very different. They were not all made to one size and use, showcasing the differences in builders. They were made according to their use, there really could not have been a specific teacher.
Another reason that pyramids could look alike is the inspiration from geography where they were built. This is shown in the History News Network article: ¨Most scholars would answer that the world’s many pyramids are the product of coincidence and convergence – peoples of different cultures imitating forms in nature, such as the mountains of Mexico or the sand dunes of Egypt.” This further proves that the humans that built the pyramids were pulling ideas of natural formation around them. The mountains of Mexico were an inspiration for individuals in Mesopotamia and the sand dunes for those of Egypt.
4. Producer, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a producer for the History Channel series as well as a source mentioned in the video (20:22). He has gained lots of traction through this series and has become very popular. He promotes pseudoarchaeology and has no true scientific or historic education. He has since become a meme online for his claims about aliens. In a 2019 article from Tiana Kutcha, she says, “The most I knew about it involved that classic meme of Giorgio Tsoukalos, the “Ancient Aliens” guy, that simply said “aliens.” Even though I had never watched the show, and the meme made the show as a whole seem like a joke, I had this preconceived idea that it would rock me to my rational core and I would somehow come away believing everything they said.” This goes to show that individuals can tell the theories are for entertainment and persuasion. Kuchta found herself laughing throughout the whole episode by the far-fetched theories and the man in the meme himself.
The TED Talk says within the video Tsoukalos produced, “pseudoarchaeology sustains myths of white supremacy, disparages non-Europeans and discredits their ancestors’ achievements.” The reason so many people believe it is because of the lack of evidence. The 2019 Reed College article has the stance that the, “[r]eliance on actual historical objects and archaeological material is part of what gives pseudoarchaeology credence amongst its proponents. Other rhetorical tactics include: appeal to authority and reason, conspiracy theory, argument from lack of evidence, and questionable logical leaps.” The lack of evidence makes him and his theory seem more credible than he really is. The pyramids were made so long ago, so there is really no record of the construction. No one has found blueprints lying around or any sort of evidence. This causes people to make assumptions and far fetched theories that are rooted in racism.
5. Author, Erich von Däniken
Erich von Däniken is mentioned in the video as a source and speaker, (2:37). He is the one making many of these claims. The Scientific American article demonstrates his involvement by stating: “The series is the latest in a genre launched in 1968 by Erich von Däniken, whose book Chariots of the Gods? became an international best seller.” His evidence as a source comes from his book. His book had many different wild claims concerning history. The 2023 HistoryExtra article says the, “bestselling book, Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past, […] went a long way in popularising the theory that ancient astronauts visited Earth, were welcomed as gods, and greatly influenced the cultures, religions, technologies and, of course, architecture of ancient civilisations.” This book is more for entertainment and conspiracy theories. They are not based on solid facts.
The face of Erich von Däniken, author of Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past
Däniken himself is not a credible source. Besides being an author, his main job was a Swiss hotel manager with no true educational background concerning science or history. After writing his book, someone asked how he began to believe these theories, to which the Penn Museum article said that Däniken stated, “I guess only in recent years. I wrote Chariots of the Gods? in 1966, so for me it’s an old book. When I wrote it 1 was not at all convinced.” This means that Däniken didn’t even believe his own work when he started writing. He simply began writing these theories for entertainment purposes. The Penn Museum article says Däniken’s argument within his books is “built on pathetically flawed logic and non-existent evidence.” People should not be using his book as evidence, such as the video, since it is not proven. Däniken convinced himself and everyone else that his theories are credible, when they are not. When he has been proven wrong, he is, “conceded and forgiven by his public.” People need to hold him accountable, instead of letting him continue to spread misinformation. The TED Talk addresses this and says : “Who cares? It’s just entertainment, right? Isn’t it a nice escape from reality and a fun way to think about the world? It’s not. Most pseudoarchaeology is racist and xenophobic and like other forms of entertainment, it influences our culture in real ways.” This quote shows how harmful misinformation is, regardless of who is putting it out and what the intended purpose is.
These, “[b]iased—sometimes racist—narratives are not exclusive to pseudoscience, and it is important to identify and interrogate these dominant narratives, according to Platte and Landvatter. A 2019 Reed College article states, “That is something that we can’t just blame on the History Channel; we have to blame it more broadly on the way that we talk about the past and the way we talk about global civilization,” said Platte.” This quote shows not only is the History Channel part of the problem, it is everyone. Everyone viewing and disregarding information is to blame as well. As a whole we need to do better giving credit where credit is due and reforming our racist thinking patterns.
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