A time when ancient astronauts/aliens could have walked the earth with ancient civilizations of history. Ancient civilizations and ancient astronauts/aliens sharing information with one another, that helped build the world that we know today. This was the theory from the documentary from a show from the youtube channel History, Ancient Aliens: Secrets of the Pyramids Season 5 ep 1. The show brings in different conspiracy theorists to talk about their theories or “evidence” of how we know that ancient astronauts/aliens came down. Talking with the people of ancient times and how the pyramids of the world are one of the biggest pieces of evidence of ancient astronauts/aliens existence. Though it is an interesting theory that might be easy to believe from the way the topic is regarded. When reading more into the theory, find how wrong it really is.
David Childress (0:37)
famous conspiracy theorist, David Childress an author of books Lost Cities, and Ancient Mysteries of South America. Though the information that he states in the video and in his book have big gaps of information missing and don’t alway seem to be very accurate. The theories that he talks about have hard research that disproves the theory that he is concluding. Childress’ lack of evidence to back up any of his arguments, makes him not a credible or reliable source, to back up other evidence. He is Known throughout the historical and archaeology community, but not for a good reason. The Historical archaeologist Charles E. Orser a Historical archaeologist and editor of the International Journal of Historical Archeology. His book, Race and Practice in Archaeological Interpretation. “David Childress has the most outrageous theories about the world” (Orser pp.69.). Patrick D. Nunn, a professor of geography at the University of the Sunshine Coast has noted that in his book Vanished Islands And Hidden Continents Of The Pacific, also has a not very good image of Childress. “Childress is a proponent of pseudoscientific claims” (Nunn pp.123-124).
David Childress does not seem to be a very good credible source, to get information from. All of Childress’s writings and books are conspiracies, most of which have been disproven. Childress has been involved in many different controversies. Charles E. Orser states in his journal, that, “Childress proposed that the majestic site could only have been constructed by the “Atlantean League” (Orser pp.69). Over the Tiahuanaco palace theory, a theory debate over if the ancient Andean sight Tiahuanaco was for religious or political use. Childress first got big talking out his theories about UFOs. In an article written by Chicago’s newspaper Reader journalist Mike Sula, Atlantis HO! States that Childress “helped fuel the 90s UFO craze,” (Sula). Childress has written hundreds of other conspiracy theories in his articles and books. Childress is mentioned in his writing using words like, “seems,’ ‘might,’ could have been” (Sula). Exclaiming that he uses these words because “if ever any of this stuff were conclusively wrong” (Sula), Childress could just deny ever saying it. David Childress is not a good source to rely on when trying to find the truth of topics. Readers of his books “often complain of poor editing and typos” (Sula). If Childress’s articles and books that he writes have improper grammar and misspellings, then the writings themself might not be very creditable to use when trying to fact check something.
Alignment of the pyramids: “Such a precise network of pyramids must have been a very advanced culture, probably extraterrestrials” (0:49).
The alignment of the pyramids together may have ancient astronauts/ aliens connections, is what the video is trying to say. Also, that the pyramids really can only be understood from the sky could also be a sign of ancient astronauts/ aliens contact. Since no human could have arranged such a precise design, only ancient astronauts/aliens could have done it. The video came to the conclusion that the pyramids’ intricate look was from the ancient astronauts/aliens. “They really can be seen from the air” (16:40). Also, proclaiming that the pyramids need to be seen from, “different perspective” (16:49). There were no studies that they use in the video to conclude their argument. They show how intricate pyramids look from the top and how it has to be related to ancient astronauts/aliens. A lot of pyramids are really only able to be seen from the sky. The almost perfect alignment of the pyramids as shown in fig. 1 was used as an example to how looking at how the pyramids look from the sky shows the alignment. Using fig. 1. As another reason as to the evidence that ancient astronauts/ aliens built or helped build the pyramids. Shown from fig. 1. of a rough estimate of where the pyramids are located.
The pyramids are connected on the same or intersecting lines (“Ancient Aliens”).
Their reasoning for saying that ancient astronauts/aliens had to have aligned the pyramids together, was just that ancient civilizations were not smart enough to do it and didn’t have the needed “knowledge of mathematics” (3:59). A lot of pyramids are very intricate looking from above, some looking like symbols from religions and spiritual beliefs. The pyramids of the world are aligned but it isn’t perfect. There are more reasons than ancient astronauts/aliens for an explanation to the “mysteries” of the pyramids. If it was really laid out by an ancient intelligent life form from another planet, the alignment would have been perfect. The imperfect alignment shows the human flaws in the design.
The video argues that the way that the pyramids align couldn’t have been done by ancient people. It might not seem like it at first but ancient civilizations did have the capabilities that could have accidentally aligned them together. In an article written by Fiona Macdanald, a journalist, for Science Alert, The secret of the pyramids’ perfect alignment might be explained after all. Stated archaeologist and engineer Glen Dash did an experiment using the equinox to create the alignment. Dash had tested his experiment, “starting on the first day of the fall equinox in 2016 – 22 September 2016 – and using a gnomon to cast a shadow” (Macdonald). Dash tracked the point of the shadow; on the final day when the two points aligned, Dash had “created an almost perfect line running east-west” (Macdonald). The line was even slightly counterclockwise, which was a trait that some of the pyramids had. The article also argues that, ”Egyptians would have been able to work out the fall equinox by counting 91 days forward from the summer [S]olstice” (Macdonald). Using this knowledge it can be confirmed that if this was the way the pyramids were built then they would have aligned to its almost perfect formation. Though ancient civilizations may not have had as advanced technology as the modern world knows, they still would have had the tools and knowledge for aligning the pyramids.
Alignment of the pyramids to the stars: “Placement of the pyramids on Earth be something that only the ancients understood” ( 16:00).
The Ancient Aliens video shows how the pyramids line up with constellations and the stars in the sky. Showing and describing that both the pyramids in Gaza and in Teotihuacan align with the Orion’s Belt as shown in fig. 2. from both having three pyramids in a close straight line. arguing that it was a big secret of the alignment alleging it was “something that only the ancients understood” (16:00). They argue, since the alignment is unknown, it had to have been built for or by ancient astronauts/aliens. The reason is that it’s declaring that alignment would be something from or for Ancient astronauts/aliens. That is because humans don’t know how they did it and why they would do it. They ask, “why the pyramid builders design their pyramids to reflect star constellations?” (15:51). The only source that was shown to try to support their argument was fig. 2.
The two pyramid layouts next to Orion’s Belt look almost identical (“Ancient Aliens”).
The “star shaft” (14:03), shows how the pyramids align with constellations. Most of the pyramids of the world do line up with constellations and stars in the sky. Ancient civilizations were however able to align their structures with constellations and stars. We also know the reason for how and why the pyramids align with stars and constellations. The main problem with the video’s arguments is insisting that we now don’t know how ancient civilizations would align the pyramids to the stars. Also, ancient civilizations didn’t have the capability or knowledge to align them. Overlooking one of the most important pieces of evidence is noticed in the video. Author Giorgio Tsoukalos notes the Great pyramid “is almost perfectly aligned to magnetic North” (13:18). Concluding this was evidence of the pyramids being for or being made by ancient astronauts/aliens. In the article written by Anne Mcilroy, journalist for Ottawa’s newspaper The Globe and Mail, Scientist sees pyramid secrets in the stars, states that Egyptologist, Kate Spence claims. “The heavens slowly shift over time, so back then, what is now the North Star, Polaris did not indicate north” (Mcilroy). As well as, describing that “they drift because Earth’s axis of rotation is not fixed” (Mcilroy). Ancient civilizations did have the capability to align the pyramids to the stars. In the article an architect and Egyptologist from Cambridge University, did a report showing the process that was used to align the pyramids. “Hold a string vertically with a weight attached against the night sky while the heavens slowly pivoted around the unmarked pole against the night sky while the heavens slowly pivoted around the unmarked pole. Eventually, the string would intersect both stars. The sight line to the horizon point directly below the plumb line would then point straight north. Dr. Spence says “the pyramids line up — more or less — along this line” (Mcilroy). This technique has been proven to work and using tools and a simple concept very well could have been what ancient civilizations would have done to align the pyramids to the stars and constellations.
Construction of the Pyramids: “Exactly how and why the pyramids was constructed remains a mystery” (6:14).
The speaker’s argue that the pyramids of Egypts are the “greatest mystery of all time” (6:30). They try to back this up, arguing society now doesn’t know who built it and how they built the pyramids. More of the “evidence” they used to make their point, the massive weight of the stones used, and there was no reason that the pyramids were built. “Nobody knows why our ancestors constructed the pyramids” (8:46). They ask why would the pyramids need to be so tall if it was just supposed to be a tomb. Their “evidence” for their arguments is just that the pyramids are such big mysteries. That the requirements to build the pyramids were so harsh and hard to do. There was no way ancient civilization could have created the pyramids. The only way would have been created by or for or with help from ancient astronauts/aliens. They don’t use any sources of where they got their information and only use numbers of measurements, heights, or times of the pyramids. Though the pyramids were really tall and the bricks did weigh tons, definitely making it difficult for the pyramids to be constructed. The only other answer wouldn’t have to be that they were built by ancient astronauts/aliens. There is evidence that shows how, why, and by who the pyramids were built.
The problem with what the video is trying to say is that there is evidence that disproves their theories and they never say where they get their information from as they speak. Their main reason for why the theory is right is only that there can’t be any other reason for how they did it. Also, ancient civilizations were not smart enough to do it themselves. For example, the theory that is used now doesn’t know who built the pyramids, and how they moved the stone bricks though archaeologists believe different. In the Article written by new outlet Science America, How Beliefs in Extraterrestrials and Intelligent Design are similar it states that Archaeologists who have studied and analyzed the pyramids have found. “[I]mages demonstrating how tens of thousands of Egyptian workers employed wood sleds to move the stones along roads from the quarry to the site” (SCI, AM). As well as using “sloping dirt ramps” (SCI, AM), to move them up to the Pyramids. The archaeologists also have found some of the tools and some evidence of ancient people working on the pyramids. “Copper drills, chisels, saws and awls have been found in the rubble around the Great Pyramid of Giza” (SCI, AM). As well as, quarries are filled with half-finished blocks and broken tools”. The evidence found shows that we have found evidence supporting the fact that we do know how and by who built the pyramids. Another article also backs up these claims, the article written by Author Ellie Nan Storck, writer for Travel + Leisure, wrote, Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza. The pyramids are known for being the tombs of the pharaohs, being filled with items they thought they would need in the afterlife. “Egyptian Pharaohs believed they would become gods in the afterlife” (Storck). Archaeologists are able to tell how long a pyramid took to build and roughly how many people it took to complete it. Ellies article, the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, Disclosed. “[C]onstruction took 20 years and 100,000 men ” (Storck), “in the 20th century that as few as 20,000 workers could have been permanently (rather than seasonally) building the Great Pyramid ” (Storck).
Energy field of the Pyramids: “Energy Field of the Pyramids: “Ancient civilizations around the world have been aware of this pyramid power” (33:53).
The video describes the functions and the properties of the energy field of the pyramids. That ancient civilizations knew about these properties and used them to their advantage.
The speakers in the video argued that the ancient civilizations knew about the energy fields and used them as “energy collectors” (34:59). Using the energy field to connect to ancient astronauts/aliens. “[T]o mark a place of actual extraterrestrial contact” (35:13). Since it has been proven by scientists that the pyramids do have an electromagnetic field. The speakers use this to justify that it was used for ancient astronaut/alien use and contact. That the pyramids were used as an energy source to sustain their society. Almost all of the pyramids of the world do have energy fields. It was likely that the ancient civilizations didn’t know anything about it and how it worked. Ancient civilizations wouldn’t have used pyramids as an energy source or for transmissions. They most likely didn’t know anything about the energy field coming from the pyramids.
The problem with these claims is that since there has been confirmation of an energy field, that the only explanation could have been to do with ancient astronauts/ aliens. Even though there could have been other reasons for the energy fields of the pyramids. Author Aristos Georgiou writes in an Article Ancient Egypt: Incredible Electromagnetic Discovery in Great Pyramid of Giza’s Hidden Chambers. A ITMO University team, “investigate how the Great Pyramid responded to electromagnetic radiation” (Georgiou). The material and the shape of the pyramids may have helped in the creation of the energy field of the pyramids. The team from ITMO University state that the properties of the Great pyramid does make the electromagnetic field of the pyramids. “[B]uilding blocks for construction of different optical devices for management of light energy at nanoscale” (Georgiou). The builder of the pyramids wouldn’t have known about this making an energy field. The ITMO University team reached the same conclusion. “The unusual electromagnetic properties of the pyramid are almost certainly just a coincidence of its structure, as it is highly unlikely that the Ancient Egyptians knew anything about this’ ‘ (Georgiou). If the builder of the pyramids didn’t know it could affect the pyramids, they couldn’t have purposefully used it as a way to connect to ancient astronauts/aliens or to use it as an energy field.
The main point of the article with the evidence from professionals and the experiments from them have the means of disproving the video’s theory. The video doesn’t use any sources of where they got their information to prove their theories. The Sources of the speakers in the video have been seen to not be good credible sources to back up what they say. Have ancient astronauts/aliens ever walked the earth and communicated with ancient civilizations to build the pyramids? Society may never know, but at the moment there is no hard and plausible evidence. Proving there was any kind of ancient astronaut/ alien communication with ancient civilizations. As society progresses more and more of the “mysteries” of the ancient pyramids begin to unfold.
Works Cited
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Pyramid | Architecture, History & Construction.” Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 April 2024, . Accessed 15 May 2024.
Georgiou, Aristos, et al. “Ancient Egypt: Incredible Electromagnetic Discovery in Great Pyramid of Giza’s Hidden Chambers.” Newsweek, 1 August 2018, . Accessed 15 May 2024.
“How Beliefs in Extraterrestrials and Intelligent Design Are Similar.” Scientific American, 1 July 2013, Accessed 15 May 2024.
MacDonald, Fiona. “The Secret of The Pyramids’ Perfect Alignment Might Be Explained After All.” Science Alert, 7 Apr. 2022, . Accessed 15 May 2024.
McIlroy, Anne. “Scientists sees pyramid secrets in the stars.” The Globe and Mail, 16 Nov. 2000, . Accessed 15 May 2024.
Storck, Ellie Nan. “Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza.” Travel + Leisure, 10 April 2023, Accessed 15 May 2024.
Sula, Mike. “Atlantis Ho!” Chicago Reader, 7 Sep. 2006, . Accessed 15 May 2024.
Wikipedia. “David Hatcher Childress.” Wikipedia, none, 24 Dec. 2023,
Orser, Charles E. Race and practice in archaeological interpretation. University of Pennsylvania Press, Incorporated, 2004. Accessed 15 May 2024.
Nunn, Patrick D. Vanished Islands and Hidden Continents of the Pacific. University of Hawaii Press, 2009. Accessed 15 May 2024.
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